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Monday 19 October 2015

Roman Auxiliaries - Third Cohort

JJ's Wargames has lost its apprentice wing-man as Tom flew out to Australia yesterday to begin his gap year in the land down under and the far east.

Tom had been working on completing another Roman auxiliary cohort whilst finishing off his degree this year so progress slowed up for obvious reasons and with my focus on the Talavera project our Roman collection has taken the back seat for the time being.

However Tom signed off his previous work by finishing the third cohort of auxiliary infantry before he left, well almost. I had to get the basing done but the paint job is Tom's work

The two previous units were kitted out with blue shields so the change to green makes a nice variation and I think look really eye-catching.

On our trip to "Colours" last month we picked up some casualty figures from Wargames Foundry to see how they would work with the Warlord plastics. The cameo base has the Optio, with tattooed arm, checking on his fallen comrade who has lost his helmet and shield whilst clutching at a blood stained wound under the ribs. The rear rank look to cover their man with spear thrusts overhead. The helmet is a Warlord plastic Roman head with the helmet contents carved out.

I will look to pick up the work on the Romans when the Talavera collection gets finished early next year as we are keen to get these bad boys out on the table and we are going to need a few barbarians as well to give them a run for their money.

Anyway here's wishing Tom a fantastic time down under, his mum and I are missing him and looking forward to seeing him home.


  1. The tattooed arm is an ingenious touch.
    Hope he has a good year, don't forget to let his room out for extra beer money!
    Best wishes,

    1. I was very impressed when I saw the work Tom put in on the Optio base and the tattoo was a really nice idea.
      Good point, I hadn't thought about the room. Not sure what his Mum would think!

  2. I like the "tats". He must have been an old enemy who saw the light.

    All the best to Tom. Just as well he is off to Australia though; he paints better than his dad !


    1. He can certainly turn out a nice figure or two when he puts his mind to it.

      Australia has its delights, but I know he was sorry to be away for the Talavera game. We might have to run it again when he gets back!

  3. Great stuff - creative use of both ranges - a mean bunch of Auxilia. I like the tatts and carved out helmet.

    Hope your son enjoys his trip downunder - we do have some wargaming in this wide brown land - if his travels bring him out west, tell him to look up Perth Miniatures Gamer's Group on yahoo groups!

    1. Thank you Ab. Tom will be working near to Perth during his stay, so I'll pass on you comment.

  4. Truly fantastic, they look splendid, love the details, especially on the faces!

  5. Hi JJ - If Tom feels the desire to have a game in Perth on R&R the NWS in North Perth might be fun as well as the PMGG. Let him look it up on the web at and he can't go wrong.

    Love the Romans!!
