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Sunday 13 May 2018

Legionary 2018

Yesterday was a bit of a strange kind of day as I worked my way from seeing fellow Devon Wargames club friends playing over at Legionary 2018 in Exeter back to our club meeting in Whipton where other friends were meeting for our normal monthly gathering.

Devon Wargames Group - Escape from Warmington-on-Sea

As you can see this year's Legionary gave a good excuse to air our new club banner whilst the chaps put on a very nice looking 'What a Tanker ' game, using the latest set of rules from the Too Fat Lardies.

Having watched with interest the role out of this set of rules and avoiding the temptation to dive in I was keen to try them out so had a go at driving a French Char B1 about the table which was good fun and gave me a chance to see how the rules worked.

The game was enhanced by some lovely models, terrain and the new dashboards for recording changes to ones tank as the game progresses.

I didn't have a lot of time to spend at the show yesterday but got some pictures of games that caught my eye as I had a very quick look around.

These pictures are of Graham Cookson's very nice looking AWI collection and terrain. Graham is a regular at Legionary and it was fun chatting about his ideas on the rules he uses for this period among others.

You can read more about his collections and games on his blog, The Think Tank

One other game that caught my eye was this rather spectacular mass of British armour pouring over the fields around Caen during Operation Goodwood.

Having memories of my Dad's experiences of this particular battle and walking this area numerous times I instantly recognised the set up.

The game was run by The Friends of Rapid Fire and you can probably guess the rules they were using.

Having played this battle in 15mm earlier this year at the DWG using IABSM I had a pretty good understanding facing the British and why numerous Shermans and other assorted AFV's are burning in these pictures.

A very nice looking game and great fun to see.

I hope to have more great pictures next week when I will be travelling up to Newark and Lincoln with friends from the DWG to play a rather large Dux Bellorum game at Wargames Foundry and to visit Partizan the next day.

In addition other posts to come are my visit to Spain last week and my first Peninsular War Spanish battlefield visit, plus Mr Steve and I spent some time this week walking the Ridgeway.

On the figure painting side I have another Dacian Warband nearing completion, the Roman fort is done but still awaiting tents and a Roman limes watch tower from Grand Manner is on the work bench


  1. Great photos. Always love a bit of tank on tank action!

  2. Lovely looking show JJ and always great to see so many sensational figures and models on the table.
