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Saturday, 27 April 2019
Dacian Warband
So following a slight detour into WWII and my collection of British bombers and German nightfighters brought to completion with the few purchases made at Salute, it was back to my main project, the Romano-Dacian collection which sees Warband number eight added to my Dacian host and about two-thirds of the force completed.
If you are interested in looking back on the others in the collection since work started back in September 2017 with Warband number one I have put links below to the other posts, together with a link to all the work on the collection completed too date with terrain and games played.
Dacian Warband One
Dacian Warband Two
Dacian Warband Three
Dacian Warband Four
Dacian Warband Five
Dacian Warbands Six and Seven
JJ's Dacian Wars
As with previous builds, my Dacians are primarily composed of the Warlord plastics with a few strategically placed additions from Wargames Foundry, which work well with Warlord, to help add further variety to the look of the unit as a whole.
With an eye to the army as a whole I have given this warband a blue and white themed draco standard to compliment that carried by number seven, thus pairing my warbands into regimental groupings of about two-thousand men.
Each thirty-six figure warband is accompanied by a two figure 'brave warrior' marker that is used to indicate when the unit has used it brave warriors to gain an advantage in combat, rather similar to Romans throwing pila and I try to have these markers looking that little bit more aggressive with multiple weapons in hand or carrying the odd head, careless of their own preservation as they launch themselves into the hated invader's ranks.
The plan will see at least twelve, possibly fourteen of these warbands available to the Dacian player to line up alongside the Sarmatians and really create a big battle look to the table opposite a Roman line.
I was really excited to see the plans for the Victrix Dacians and will no doubt add a few units of their offerings to add further variation to my host as well as all the loveliness that Victrix brings to any collection.
Talking of Victrix loveliness, next up will be my first cohort of Victix Roman Auxiliaries complete with heads held aloft on spear points, which I am really looking forward to taking a brush to.
As mentioned my warband is composed of figures from Warlord and Wargames Foundry and the shield decals are from Little Big Men
Wednesday, 24 April 2019
Butterflies and Jellyfish
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An eye-catching sun-bather - The peacock butterfly in all its glory |
As regular followers of the blog will know I like to sprinkle in amongst all the history and wargamer posts the odd piece looking at the beauty of Devon and in particular the natural fauna and wildlife that can be seen here in this part of Britain.
This weekend has seen one of the hottest and sunniest Easter bank holidays in recorded history and the British public have been treated to five glorious days of unremitting sunshine and tea-shirt wearing blue skies which as well as having an effect on the inhabitants of these isles has meant an awakening of some of the animals as well.
On the first day of the change in weather I stepped out to set off on my daily bike ride designed to keep the aging frame in as good a shape as I can when I noticed a rather large Peacock Butterfly which had obviously emerged from its overwintering cubby-hole to warm up in the sunshine and was still in the same position on my return forty minutes later only to then fly off towards the flower bed.

The River Exe and its estuary is the dominating feature of the local landscape and indeed lends its name to the city of Exeter and my home town of Exmouth, naturally at the mouth of the great river.
The estuary is a recognised bird sanctuary and breeding ground for several key marine species and also forms a very nice backdrop for walkers and visitors to the area.
On Saturday Carolyn and I decided to walk from Exmouth along the shore of the river up to the next village, Lympstone, and took a slight detour from the path alongside the river to head on down to the shore line, principally to escape the weaving cyclists that predominate on a sunny bank holiday.
The river has experienced a few high tides in recent days and I suppose it was not a total surprise to find these large barrel jellyfish stranded along the shoreline.
The barrel, dustbin-lid, frilly mouthed or football jellyfish is aptly named as its size is immediately noticeable when stranded on a stony shoreline being the largest jellyfish in British waters.
The body of the creature is quite a solid jelly consistency and despite its dramatic appearance is reported to be not a potent stinger although both Carolyn and I did not put that theory to the test.
The typical size is up to sixteen inches in diameter and the five examples we came across on our walk were easily in that region.
They are common in the waters off the South West of England and are a favourite food for leatherback turtles.
Next up, Dacian warband number eight is nearing completion.
Wednesday, 17 April 2019
Target for Tonight Mainforce - Nuremberg Raid Plan
After my recent posts looking at my project to update my Target for Tonight collection of models, together with some ideas to create a campaign structure around the core games which culminated in me running the first of eight planned games linked together to recreate the first month of the Battle for Berlin initiated by Bomber Command in late 1943.
Following the first run through of the basic structure in the first game where players ran a mission with the five bomber groups to attack Berlin, recreating the first attack on August 23rd 1943, I have gone away and made adjustments and altered various aspects including adding in some of the ideas created by other players who share ideas on the Target for Tonight Facebook Group around air-gunner and nightfighter capabilities.
Target for Tonight - Facebook
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The first part of the Ops brief shows the target, predicted weather, number of aircraft available by group and their potential bomb lift. |
Thus I have put together a plan for the next game using the Cyberboard module I created originally but, based on the game planning involved last time, I decided to short circuit the process by preparing a op plan that would have a lot of the pre-game data already worked through, including crews, weather, nightfighter allocation and target maps, thus allowing the players on the day to simply mark up their aircraft stat cards and decide the appropriate bomb lift and fuel load out for their groups.
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Part two of the brief shoes the aircraft crews, now including air gunner stats together with the route plan in tiles to the target and back |
The ops planning form allows me to simply take map data from Cyberboard and type in crew stats from my prepared set of sixty randomly prepared crews now with air gunner stats added and with a final brief showing potential nightfighters by area that simply makes it easy for me to select an aircraft during an intercept, and finally the countermeasures briefing already prepared that can be used to update future games in the sequence.
The crew stats will change by op to reflect losses sustained in between the major operations we are creating and other likely hazards that caused a continual attrition and change within squadrons and groups.
In addition to working up the basic game structure, I have completed my collection of models with the addition of a Beaufighter IV NF to be used alongside my Mosquito to do RAF nightfighter intercept games and I might add an Me109 Wild Boar fighter just for completeness.
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The new Beaufighter IV NF |
In addition I have painted up the last few of my micro bombers that I picked up from Magister Militum at Salute earlier this month that completes my Stirling and Wellington squadrons and will allow the Rhur campaign order of battle as a potential future campaign.
Lines of extra Stirlings and Wellingtons complete the bomber stream collection |
Finally, just to add to the visual effect of the bomber stream heading out into the night skies over Germany I decided to kit out some of my models streaming Window in their path and I have an idea to perhaps use these to represent Bomber Support Group squadrons. Either way they look great when positioned at the back of the stream.
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The Window foil strips flutters out in the wake of these four Lancasters |
All my trays holding the models together with the player stat cards, playing cards, wipe pens and mission route tiles now fit into a 9ltr RUB with a raised lid and together with the playing board for Bomb Runs and Nightfighter Intercepts makes the game easy to transport to club.
So everything is ready for the next meeting of the Devon Wargames Group early next month when we will see if the early good fortune for Bomber Command over Berlin in the first op continues with another deep raid into southern Germany and the attack on Nurmemberg on the 27th August 1943 which, historically, produced negligible results despite good TI's and a Master Bomber overhead, little compensation for the 4.9% loss rate suffered.
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Three really informative titles for anyone interested in campaigning the Bomber Command battles of WWII |
During my preparation for this series of games I have added recently to my library to include the Bomber Command Diaries - Middlebrrok and Everitt, mentioned above which is an absolute gold mine for those wanting to know the detail of bomber command operations throughout the whole war and is a core source for putting together my series of games.
In addition the Haynes series of books looking at military subjects in great source of detail and is a book I keep dipping into when looking at Bomber Command operations.
Finally for the human dimension and in-depth detail of the Battle of Berlin campaign the Middlebrook title, 'The Berlin Raids', is a must read with excellent maps and analysis of each of the missions between August 1943 to it close in March 1944 together with a useful summary of the other activities that took place in between.
More anon
Sunday, 14 April 2019
Chain of Command - 29 Let's Go, Game Five
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The 352nd looked relaxed after their win at Cardonville and having pushed the Amis back to Arthenay |
This week saw our fifth game in our '29 Lets Go' campaign as US forces following their hard fought battle at St Germain du Pert now found themselves north of the Osmanville road as they were forced to deal with another German force threatening the US advance from that direction.
Thus our battle was on table 4 in the situation map below at the Radar Station at Cardonville supported by some naval gunfire in the form of a pre-bombardment of German positions from HMS Glasgow.
Feeling confident that the Royal Navy would allow our troops to make rapid progress across the table snatching German Jump Off Points (JOPs) as we went, both Steve and I planned our JOPs up on the hedgerow line ready to jump forward as the situation presented itself following the patrol phase.
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The US plan of attack and the German defences (black boxes) encountered after the patrol phase |
Feeling confident in our plan, things took a decidedly different course as the original intention had been to grab the house in the bottom left of the map as a position to turn the German flank; only to find that Ian had placed a section of wire in front of the hedge bordering the orchard together with mining the road and the house opposite.
Our JOPs were so positioned to allow our plan to be flexible and thus the house would be taken by a single section, whilst two sections together with two flamethrower teams advance up the hill and nearby road to clear the other flank, bringing on a single Sherman to be kept back to provide covering fire.
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Our table with the gentle slope above the lower house (top right) |
Again things changed almost immediately as our first die roll turned up three sixes that immediately ended the bombardment from Glasgow and meant that Ian would find it a lot easier to deploy his troops in response.
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View from the German lines |
However US fortunes continued to prove interesting as the three next turns provided double sixes to allow a rapid advance into the German position threatening two JOPs before a single German soldier appeared on the table, not to mention five pips on the US Chain of Command dice hopefully on the acquisition of a sixth pip to allow us to take those JOPs and end the turn before any response with all the bad stuff happens to follow.
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Everything in position - just give me a five!!! |
That was then the wheels fell off the plan!
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Three German sections in the same field and a sniper close by, Where was HMS Glasgow when we needed her! |
The next four turns saw not one five rolled among the twenty die rolls made by our team coupled with German troops turning out to defend their one remaining corner of the field with three sections and their MG 42's pouring out their hurt on the two lead US squads, causing one to rout and one left decimated with multiple shock.
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Where there was once a squad there is now just a pile of shock dice. The flamethrower teams are on the road lower left trying to close up on the German position. |
In desperation the other US squad did its best to fire suppressing fire from the lower house, and the flamethrowers tried to close up under fire from a German sniper only to see their half effect fire miss with all six dice.
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The squad by the lower house did their best to bring some relief |
The final throw came as the sole Sherman tank rolled on to the table to try and equalise the fire-fight by putting its HE into a field full of Germans but the situation proved hopeless and without the first turn ending the US morale broke under the onslaught leaving a return battle back on the main road at Arthenay on Tuesday as the Germans opted to push the Americans back to the road and let them try to take the position yet again.
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I know lets try using the tank! |
I have not played another game that generates quite the same sense of feeling a plan fall apart on first contact with the enemy quite like the one Chain of Command creates.
In the end you can plan and plan and hopefully more often than not those sequences of play you had prepared for come out in favour of those plans but sometimes there are aspects of the game you simply cannot plan for like rolling twenty d6 and not getting a single five - a bit like a real battle, but thankfully all our metal men get to fight another day.
So as things stand we are on to game six with three US wins, one bloody draw and one German win.
More anon
Monday, 8 April 2019
Salute 2019 - South London Warlords
This weekend, at the invitation of the South London Warlords, I travelled up to London from Devon, for the second time in a week to visit perhaps the premiere show in the hobby, Salute.
I am of an age now to be able to look back and see the development of Salute and indeed the hobby, with memories of this show from its first incarnation back in the early eighties when Mr Steve and I used to travel up to Kensington Town Hall; then into later times when the show relocated to another West London location at Olympia to today now firmly established in the former docklands of the East end of London at Excel.
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It's a crisp morning, about 09.15 as I make my way from Royal Victoria station on the Docklands Light Railway to the Excel Conference Centre in the East-end of London |
Salute like the hobby has grown and changed as you would expect from those earlier times but I think one thing has remained a constant is its position as the premier showcase of all things new in the hobby and a launch pad for the next big thing to grab our collective attention.
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This dockland area has been transformed from its shabby past life into a major exhibition and entertainment area of London amid the cranes from another time in the history of the place. |
I think Salute is a fantastic showcase for the hobby and a must see show for anyone new to the hobby or anyone of any experience in wargaming to see and have the opportunity to refresh their ideas about what is out there and new ideas to enhance the way they play their games today.
As part of that idea I set out on my trip to the show to do something a little different from the way I had presented other visits to other great shows here in the UK and last year in Antwerp on my visit to Crisis where I presented a very subjective personal view of those shows illustrated most obviously in the games I chose to focus on.
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It 10.00 and the doors have just opened to eager gamers keen to see what's new |
My intention was to do the same thing here in this look at Salute but also to include a look at some specific traders and manufacturers that captured my imagination with the great products they offer and to bring you a bit of an insight into their businesses and plans based on conversations I recorded on the day whilst highlighting the new trends affecting our hobby.
So setting out from Northwood at 08.00 on the Saturday morning I took the tube across London aiming to get into the venue an hour before opening to allow me to get a good start on my plans for the day with interviews pre-arranged with several traders and games marked up on my floor plan to enable me to work my way around methodically, not to mention picking up some additions to my own collections along the way.
Arriving at 09.20 I met up with members of the organising team who informed me that they were expecting around 6,000 visitors and that the club had just about a full turn out, around 140 members to help run the day.
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Marin Murray from Warbases explaining the new game from them, 'All for One' to Nick Skinner from Too Fat Lardies |
Of course I was not alone in my efforts to explore all things new and interesting and so my first 'port of call' saw me joining Nick Skinner to record a chat with Martin Murray from Warbases showcasing their new skirmish game 'All for One' to be released 'very soon'.
You will be able to hear more about this new game on the Lardy Oddcast hopefully featuring more from Sydney Roundwood who was tabled on the day to be playing the game.
The rules have been written by Anthony Spencer and Sam Catteral and are a one on one skirmish set designed to be played, as shown here, on a two by two foot table capturing the period drama of the the Three Musketeers going head to head with the Cardinal's Red Guard.
Needless to say, a ready supply of suitable terrain will be available from Martin and Warbases.
After chatting with Martin and Nick, my next appointment was with Julian Blakeney-Edwards owner of Victrix Ltd who kindly put time aside to share some of the exciting plans for all things new in Victrix Miniatures and I started our conversation by asking Julian to outline what's next from his company.
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Saxon Command figures part of the Saxon range to compliment the soon to be released and eagerly awaited Vikings |
Julian listed off a pipeline of new products starting with the highly anticipated Vikings with tooling all done and ready to run the first test sprues and with the Saxon castings about another three to four weeks away.
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The Early Germans, now with the tooling room |
The Early German designs are now with the tooling room and the recently announced Dacians are in the sculpting phase with a new Romanian sculptor who has joined the team bringing all his native passion into this other exciting new figure range.
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The just recently announced Dacians, which needless to say really excited my interest going forward |
The regular sculptor on the Dark Ages range is about done in with designing figures in chain-mail and so to have a break, the plan to produce three different packs of Normans will be put on hold and the focus moved back to Napoleonics; with the design of some 95th Rifles figures and some cavalry options to be confirmed but possibly either Swiss/Dutch Lancers or Chasseurs.
But just to add yet more excitement to things Dark-Age we can expect to see some Huscarls soon.
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I added to my own Victrix collection with a pack of the new Roman Generals, two packs of EIR Cavalry and a pack of the new Roman Shields to compliment my metal figure ranges. |
Not only that but the Imperial Romans can expect a reinforcement with Head of the Design team having just completed a brief to produce a new Scorpio model together with a Roman Ox Cart - be still my beating heart!
I was very keen to get an insight into how Victrix go about planning their design and release plan as obviously keeping the design team fresh and creative is very important and Julian explained the need also to combine that with product ranges in tandem so that Romans are launched with Celts, Punic Romans with Carthaginians and Vikings with Saxons.
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The next big thing from Victrix in 2020 |
The other intriguing aspect of Victrix design is that their sculpting team are first and foremost qualified artists with a deep understanding of anatomy to which is added the skills of computer aided design technology and the on the job learned skills of avoiding the dreaded undercut and of course unsightly seams.
With an upfront cost of anywhere between £10,000 to £25,000 to produce a tool for molding, Victrix are in the forefront of this technology and their passion for the product is obvious in their models with a growing team of designers able from the experience they get to produce better models each time.
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12mm Tanks, mock ups for the new project from Victrix next year |
Finally Julian showed me the next big thing for 2020 from Victrix that sees plans for a new range of 12mm late WWII vehicles, infantry and equipment to be launched as a complete gaming system in a box containing figures, rules, cards and dice, with supplementary vehicle and figure sets to be launched after.
The first twenty vehicles from the NW European theatre for 1944 are designed and the two plastic mock ups that were on display together with an impression of the sprue for the Panther and Sherman can be seen above.
Victrix are one of the great examples I saw at Salute showing why this is such a great time to be in the hobby and I am really grateful to Julian for sharing his enthusiasm with a fan like me who just can't wait to see the additions to their range in the coming years.
Next on my list was an invitation from the chaps at Battlefront UK to come and visit their stand and see how another leading manufacturer in the hobby goes about things, as well as adding to a few things to my WWII collection.
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Nicely turned out display tables showing off the latest ranges from Battlefront |
My interest in WWII wargaming has a long history and I well remember the early days of Battlefront as a small company with a limited range of somewhat dumpy off scale resin and metal model tanks at a time when the main source of 15mm vehicles and figures were the Command Decision range from the then Skytrex.
Suddenly Battlefront reformed in the early-mid nineties into a major player in the era of 15mm WWII withdrawing its old models and embarking on a dramantic launch plan of scenario books, new and much better models and the Flames of War rule set I that had watched the first incarnations of develop online.
Since then the company has grown with the additions of Gale Force Nine, new terrain items, new eras from WWI to Modern and now a range of Fantasy models licensed for Hasbro's D&D, not to mention their former association with Wargames Illustrated Magazine, charting a truly meteoric rise.
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Battlefront's CAD design system on show at Salute this weekend |
I have not got into all the Battlefront ranges and rule sets but have always collected their WWII figures and vehicles which I think are some of the best models in that era despite some very nicely designed competitors coming into that market in recent times.
In addition, never having been part of the competitive wargaming persuasion, I have not waned in my appreciation of the company and its models during its necessary changes to rules and collection requirements, aspects that are not important to me; and so I can celebrate the fact that Battlefront have been part of the growth in the interest in one of my favourite historical periods that has lead to an even greater choice in models and other associated materials that just add to my enjoyment.
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A model sprue seen side on showing the kinks where parts are lower or higher to allow for strategically placed injection points that wont detract from the model when it is assembled. |
Being a big player in figure and model design, I was very keen to take up an offer from the team to sit down with Tim Adcock who very kindly took me through the intricacies of designing the latest plastic tank offering which looked at the Israeli Merkava as an example, which is due out in the next week or so.
Tim explained the first principle in plastic model design in Battlefront, namely before any work is started, an assessment of the market for the model being considered and the likely sales it would generate; a perfectly good place to start when considering the upfront costs of these plastic kits.
He then listed the steps of planning and design leading up to the tool making process where the kit would be planned around how many variants to include, leading to a mock up of the model composed of generally twenty-five to thirty parts, that would be signed off on in New Zealand.
The design ethos is very much around, ease of build, robustness for handling and wargaming, enjoyable to make and paint, and most importantly an accurate model of the actual vehicle.
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The end result of all the design technology with new models for the Oil Wars range of Arab-Israeli vehicles |
Once signed off, there is about a six week period to engineer the various parts that will make up the model in CAD and the likely split line on the mold to allow the part to fall easily from it in production.
Then a gell prototype is created for final signing off in the V1 stage where the aspects of the design ethos are checked and to make sure it will tool correctly. This process includes aspects such as sliding four part molding to allow for the tracks to be produced raised on the sprue but placing the split line along the edge of the track avoiding unseemly lines and injection points on the model.
In all, Tim estimated that the design process to final manufacturing for the new Merkava tank model was about nine months and that represents the kind of lead time the business is working to when considering new ranges.
It was interesting for me to note that Tim and his generation of plastics designers mainly herald from the Games Workshop stables but that the design principles they use for tooling go back to the pioneers that worked for Airfix and Matchbox who were hand pattern makers instead of the computer controlled tool making today.
After speaking to Tim about the design and production side of Battlefront's business I then got to see some of the new historical periods on show including the WWI range of tanks and infantry, with many of the vehicles here are produced in metal.
I then finished my visit with Battlefront taking in a quick game of Tanks, their fast play tank on tank game where Christian Sale patiently took me through the mechanics of the game before we sat down for a match up of my Leopard, duelling it out with his M1 Abrams, all plastic and very nice models.
I have to say it was rather fun rolling a few bones and enjoying a bit of drama as both of us were looking for those sixes and the chance to see the critical hit cards getting turned.
Thank you to Freddie and the Battlefront team for making me very welcome and sharing the behind the scenes story to their great range of products. I am really looking forward to the release of the new late war collections of figures and vehicles in June this year and will be an early customer.
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My Oporto Seminary model built by James Sharp from Oshiro Model Terrain |
The final interview I did on the day was with James Sharp the creative talent behind Oshiro Model Terrain and the man responsible for my beautiful hand made model of the Oporto Seminary that appeared in my series of Peninsular War games last year and previously.
As well as having a stand at the show James also had a marvellous Victorian Steam Punk style game entitled 'Horror in Limehouse' that showed off James' modelling talent with his beautiful rendition of Victorian London complete with top hats and handsome cabs, looking like something straight out of Ripper Street.
As you can see James' work is exquisite and right up there with the best terrain available and explains why a huge part of his time and output is taken up with commission work.
James spent twenty years as an architectural model maker and now has managed to combine the professional side of his life with his hobby.
He explained that he uses a range of model making materials for his buildings with a major use of mounting card that he has found to be strong and robust as well as workable, but will use laser cut acrylic for his sci-fi builds, spray painted for the finish and has even turned to the 3D printer to produce specific items such as the church spire on the Georgian church seen in the Lime Street display.
For commission work such as my seminary model, James will pull out the stops to research the look of the building during the period it represents and in the case of my model spent time looking for additional references to see how the original building differed from the one that can be seen today in modern pictures.
As the Oshiro Model Terrain name implies, James has a personal passion for all things Samurai springing from an early introduction to the 1970's Far East meets Western movie 'Red Sun' starring Charles Bronson and the later Shogun stories by James Clavell and produces a stunning range of buildings for this period in 28mm, 15mm and the early start of a 40mm range.
As you can imagine I really like the work James does and can recommend him without reservation to contact if you are looking for that specific building or buildings to complete or make the perfect looking table.
I even picked up some modelling tips from James during our chat and now have a new technique for painting and weathering my buildings with inks and paint to try out on a future project.
Thank you James for taking the time to chat after a long busy day at the stand and it was really great to finally meet up.
So following, and in between, my various interviews I also did what I normally do which was to capture the feel of the show with the various games on display which appealed to and caught my eye in no particular order, plus I managed to meet up with an amazing chap who has greatly influenced my own thinking about Napoleonics over the years and who happily took time to share his thoughts in conversation.
Warlord Games seem to have taken the WWII Coastal Warfare scene by storm, if you'll excuse the pun, and somewhat surprised themselves in the interest and demand for product their game Cruel Seas has generated since its launch just before Christmas.
If the queue to buy models and materials at the Warlord Stand was anything to go by that excitement and demand has not abated any and I struggled to get close enough to picture the display game happening as I passed by.
Interestingly it seems from recent press releases by the company and the display going on next to the Cruel Seas table that Warlord are now gearing up to raise similar interest in the Age of Sail era with a pre-production roll out of their new game, Black Seas.
I managed to grab some pictures of the models and chat to one of the organisers about the game which as you can see is set to roll out with a range of kits for the era initially focused on the Napoleonic period but likely to include others later on.
The models were and will be kitted out with card sails and these pre production builds were also nicely rigged that added to the visual appeal with it seems game mechanics and recording materials similar to Cruel Seas.
The flyer that I picked up from the table says the game is due out Autumn 2019 and will include a
"forty-eight page rule book, three frigates, six brigates (Brigs?) wakes, ship stat cards x 12, card sails, punch board scenery and tokens, d10 x 8, d6 x 2, paper battle mat, wool for fire and smoke and an A5 flag sheet",
all of course subject to change in the mean time.
This game will no doubt likely cause much discussion in the pre-launch period and interest in how well worked through the rules are prior to release following the interesting launch of Cruel Seas.
With my own focus very much on 28mm ancients and the Romano-Dacian collection it was great to see that the 'big battle' game was very much still alive and rumours of its demise greatly exaggerated in the form of Simon Miller's To the Strongest rendition of the Battle of Watling Street.
If you have been following Simon's lead up to this game you will know the work that has gone into generating eighteen odd thirty-six figure warbands needed to produce a table like the one below, not to mention the chariots, and as someone on to my eighth thirty-eight figure warband, I can greatly admire the effort to produce two such beautifully turned out armies and a pure inspiration for yours truly.
The game was in full flow when I took my pictures and thank you to the players who stepped back to let me get closer to the table.
Needless to say I am greatly inspired to get back to the painting table as soon as I have published this post.
I think I saw a comment come through on some Facebook chatter about this game that the Britons broke through the Roman Line at about 16.30 on the day.
Having recently played my first game of Rebels and Patriots and thoroughly enjoyed doing so it was great to see the co-author of the rules, Micheal Leck putting on the Battle of Danholm using the rules with his lovely collection of 28mm figures.
As you can see the table was a simple but very effective model of the terrain involved and showed off Michael's interesting 3:2:1 figure basing arrangement to model his units that creates a unit look without them being too formalised into lines thus keeping the skirmish effect of this level of game.
The game recreated a French attack on the small island of Danholm with a flotilla of small boats and rafts carrying elements of the 3rd Legere, sailors and Guard engineers to eject the Swedish garrison.
Not a period from the Napoleonic era I am greatly familiar with but a very nice game to see with some nice modelling on show.
Talking of periods I am not overly familiar with, I think you could safely include the 2nd Sino-Japanese War and this scenario put on by the Ardhammer Group, using Bolt Action to model the fighting that occurred in November 1937.
The table seemed to really capture the look of this war portrayed in the period photographs and I really enjoyed seeing the modelling on show.
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The road to Nanjing |
Next up we had an Oriental set piece, French Colonial and allies versus the Black Flags in 28mm recreating a French naval landing amid some inspiring terrain and including some beautiful figures from Gringo 40's and GJM Figurines,
I have never and am very unlikely to ever play a game like this but as a wargamer I can really appreciate the effort that has gone into producing this fantastic table.
With my own interest in the Wars of the Roses and my collection awaiting attention from the brush, I always head over to the Lance & Longbow Society to see what's new and the game they have on display.
This year I was very pleased to see the lovely game they had on display, the Battle of Bauge, 1421 from the collection of Simon Chick with a mainly Perry's set of figures built around Lion Rampant a set of rules I am looking to play more of in the future.
Every time I moved to a different position around the table another cameo group of figures seemed to just yell out, 'don't forget to do our picture!"
A really nice table and a pleasure to take in the detail.
Command and Colours, the GMT boardgame system for playing ancients and Napoleonics seems to have captured a lot of peoples imagination with a growing trend of players transferring their love for this card driven hex-board system to the tabletop using figures.
The Old Guard club were demonstrating this idea with their rendition of Vimeiro, a battle I am not that unfamiliar with and thus I was intrigued as to how they set about portraying the battle in this way.
It's not a game system that appeals to me but I had to appreciate the modelling that had been used to combine tabletop to boardgame.
Mike Whitaker has recently been posting about the face-lift he and the chaps at his local club, the Peterborough Wargames Club had been applying to their original boards produced to play Omaha Beach using I Aint Been Shot Mum, from the Too Fat Lardies.
Having built and played a few games around the Omaha landings myself I was really interested in seeing the fruits of their labours and thought the look of the game was really good.
Dave Brown is always a good bet to produce a nicely turned out game and when its a Napoleonic set to using 'Gods Own Scale' for this period, you will always see me getting some pictures for the reference library.
Having walked the Ligny battlefield for the bicentennial, taking in the French and Prussian positions and the close network of streets that make up the village astride the brook running through its centre, I was really taken by how well this game captured the look and feel of the real thing.
The scale of the game really allows the Grand Manner of Napoleonic battles to be captured with regiments and battalions looking the part.
These days of forums and Internet media it is very easy to find people willing to share their opinions about various subjects and occasionally you come across people who are willing to share but also really know their stuff and Dr Stephen Summerfield is one of those chaps and a thoroughly nice chap to chat to as well.
I have Stephen's co authored book on Napoleonic Artillery which has been my turn to authority when considering the use of and likely effectiveness of this particular arm, but Stephen is a mine of knowledge on the period and I had a great conversation covering a wide array of topics particularly around the Peninsular War.
I spent some time chatting with Stephen about my planned tour of the British Peninsular War battlefields this summer and I now have two book recommendations that I intend adding to my pre-reading list and included here should others be so interested.
Both books are published by Ken Trotman and capture the notes and importantly colour illustrated maps produced by Major Becke who accurately recorded troop movements and positions on various battlefields I intend walking this summer but also studied in great detail the movements and logistics of the armies of this period captured in the second title focused on the Waterloo campaign but equally applicable to the other theatre.
Thank you Stephen for being so generous with your knowledge and advice and I will certainly look to share pictures and accounts of my journeying this summer with you.
Finally as well as picking up my additions from Victrix and a few AWI additions from the Perry stand, I happened to come across this little board game, 'The Cousins' War' which combines a nice little map board, coloured wooden blocks and cards to set up the events that drove the key engagements of the Wars of the Roses played over five turns of card play and battle resolution.
The play sequence and game components really fired my imagination and the game, coming in a very handy small travel box, makes this a game that might be a nice distraction to take whilst travelling with friends as well as a potential campaign game generator.
More anon but there is a link below for more information.
So there we are another Salute 'done and dusted' as they say.
I really enjoyed the day although I have to say that by the time I got across London I was absolutely knackered, but in a pleasant way, with lots of great memories of conversations had and games seen which I hope have been captured here.
Thank you to Iain Fuller (sorry we missed meeting up on the day Iain) and to Matt Still and all the members of the South London Warlords for their warm welcome and excellent organisation of the day.
Thank you once again to everyone I got the chance to chat to through the day. I came away greatly enthused about the state of the hobby with lots of exciting things happening in it and lots of inspiration and ideas gained form my own projects.
Well done chaps and keep up the good work
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